The amazing British Library


There are a few libraries in the UK that contain the entire collection of all UK-published books, whether they are still in print or not.  The British Library is one of them.

My husband had come across a reference to a book in his readings and he decided to check out the reference.  He could not find it in any of the local libraries.  He tried to find it on the internet, to see if it was available for purchase.  Unfortunately, only a couple were available, for several hundred dollars, so that was out of the question.

He decided to ask at a  local library and they managed to track it down at the British Library.  It cost us 2 GBP to have it retrieved, but that was preferable to buying a copy.  This fee does vary from library to library, so if we decide to check out any other rarities, we may choose another branch.  I am considering it since I have been trying to hunt down a certain book for quite a while now.

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